
Hi, welcome to Eavesdropping Media.

Here I blog about all sorts of nerd stuff: tech, tv shows, business, science, the environment, the future, the past, books, games, music, world events, news media & politics. I have heard that you *should* focus your blog on a small number of topics, but so far it hasn’t really worked out that way. What can I say, I am a rebel!

But if I were to identify the central theme to all of my posts (except for the 4 on Hotels in Berlin!), then it would definitely be media in its many guises.

My interest in media shows not only in my blog, but also in my career choices. My professional background spans traditional and new media industries. I have over the years worked in a number of disciplines including music, film, software development & video games.

Why “Eavesdropping”? Well, for the last 10 years I have spent a lot of time listening in on ideas, listening in on the world as it happens, quietly contemplating. I have been immersed in the world of images, sounds, technology, networks & conversations. But I remained pretty quiet about it all. Sure there was the odd bar stool rant, the good conversations. But I was uncomfortable taking on a public voice. Now is the time to switch it up!

Now is the time to engage and create something with all that I have eavesdropped on.