Eavesdropping Media

Tag: technology

The Cyborgs Are Among Us

Technology that merges the human body with digital devices has been a long-time coming – pace-makers have been widely available since the 80s. But in the last few years, we have seen an explosion of applications of technical integration into the body. The speed of these developments is breathtaking. And unlike the previously closed electronic implants, we are now seeing artificial prosthetic limbs equipped with electronic systems able to recognize and respond to neural impulses being connected directly to the brain, muscles, and neurons of amputees.

This means that the amputee’s brain eventually creates specific neural paths to control the new pieces of technology. These devices are literally influencing the make-up of the human brain.

Thought-controlled prosthetics

mind-prosthetic-7Last fall, it was announced that Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden had developed a thought-controlled prosthetic arm. This robotic limb taps into the user’s nerves and muscles through implanted sensors. This allows the amputee to really have full control of the arm.

In December, a woman paralyzed from the neck down, working with doctors from University of Pittsburg, learned to feed herself with the help of a robotic arm hooked up directly to her brain. She did not have to think about how exactly one uses an arm, but rather had a more general thought like “pick up that piece of fruit” and “move there” and the machine-brain interface that researchers had developed would translate this into actions that that the robotic arm would understand. You can watch a report about it below:

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland just recently developed of a prototype prosthetic hand that is controlled by the brain of the user. This prototype also provides sensory feedback from the fingers, palm, and wrists, so the user does not just control the limb, but can feel what it touches.

Why stop there?

On some level, this is all incredible. You give people who have lost a limb a fully functional replacement. And it doesn’t stop with limbs; researchers have already created integrated replacement eyes for the blind and cochlear implants for the deaf. These are also connected up directly to the brain. These are truly great human achievements and no doubt will make the lives of many people much better.

But why stop at replacing a body part when you could potentially upgrade it. Many of the experimental prosthetics arms are already designed with the ability to spin 360 degrees, bend backwards, stretch longer than biological human arms can. The prosthetic eyes we have developed can already see infrared light.

And why wouldn’t we make our replacement body parts stronger? More nimble? More sensitive than our original biological parts.

I suppose all the senses could be augmented. We could enhance our noses to specific and previously undetectable molecules, our ears to hear previously imperceptible frequencies, our eyes to see through things or truly see in the dark. It almost seems like some of us will soon have superpowers.

AUGMENTED_BODYAnd what about human intelligence? Imagine the benefit of actually being able to access vast stores of information without using your phone or laptop. Imagine you just needed to think of the topic and you could get all the relevant info. Or all mathematical computation could be accomplished as fast a computer. And what about connecting our brains with others. They have recently connected 2 mouse brains and had them perform tasks. I can imagine this will be possible eventually for humans as well. Imagine what collaboration would look like through connected brains.

The potential for all this is huge. And a lot of research is already going on in all of these directions.

Who will drive this?

We can imagine the possibilities all we want, but usually the development of tech or research is determined by the combined interests of various stakeholders.

While the original motivation for integrating tech and the body is primarily medical, medical motivation ends at the point that an individual is relieved of pain or disadvantage due to a medical condition. Medical research funding alone won’t push humans to create augmented limbs.

What groups of stakeholders will determine the direction in which we alter ourselves is still to be determined. However, I think it is safe to assume 2 groups – the military and the consumer tech sector – will be involved.

bionicmanI think it is pretty easy to see how the military could potentially see some benefit in augmented body parts. The iron man suit is already out there, but what about the bionic soldier.

The private sector could also get on board in many ways. Why stop at Google glass? Why not implant the tech right in your brain.

In theory, governmental laws and regulations within the medical profession are supposed to address these issues. Speaking with a contact of mine at the European Patent Office, I understood that there are a number of guidelines that patent applicants must adhere to. Inventions in the field of electronic prosthetics must have truly medical purposes to be awarded a patent, at least in europe.

However, as many of us realize, the military or private commercial entities often fund research in these possibly beneficial areas despite any ethical concerns or potential long term impacts on the health of society.

For now governmental laws and regulations within the medical professsion will probably only delay this. And it seems inevitable that we will see these technologies on the market in the future.

To alter ourselves: the possible implications

And then I guess the question becomes, what is the impact of all this?

I wish we had more time to think about all of this. We still don’t understand what we are actually signing up for when we start letting tech into our bodies. The development of these technologies is often coming from the field of medicine and has at its core genuinely positive intention, allowing paraplegics to walk again, to help people with shut-in syndrome to communicate, allowing the blind to see.

But as these technologies then move into the commercial realm, I worry that the associated intentions start to become fuzzier. The more integrated the technology is with our brains, the more chance that we start change the definition of what it means to be human and how we would relate to one another. And due to the likelyhood that these technologies won’t come cheap it could create huge rifs between the rich and the poor.

Or what about the security of these devices. Could they be hacked as suggested in this older post?

And who knows, this might all be for the best.

But I just don’t believe that we know enough about our own nature and the systems that govern us to guarantee this.

Either way, it looks like the cyborg age really is upon us. Let’s just try our best not to become Borg, cool?


Resolutions, then and now.

Last year, I wrote out my New Year’s Resolutions on this very blog. Here is a quote from that post:

“I would like to accomplish 3 concrete things: program an app, develop a project around a webseries, co-create a food & photo project.”

So with 2012 now firmly behind us, how did I do?

1. “co-create a food & photo project” Well my partner and I started and have been consistently updating a food/photography blog. We have had a few recipes picked up by a few bigger blogs, and have a solid following. Food Photo Project: check.

2. “develop a project around webseries”. As mentioned in the previous post, I made that webseries. 8 Episodes and a cast of 7. Blog, website, twitter, fb page, vimeo and youtube channels. A true labor of love. It was a great experience, and I got the chance to work with some interesting people. Webseries: done.

3. “program an app” Okay, this one is a little more tricky. I began the year by attending coding workshops and searching for a technical partner to develop said app. But it did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. After a few frustrating months, I decided to focus my attention more onto producing the webseries. However, this fall I got the chance to build an interactive video website for a documentary. I got a team together and we are set to be finished at the end of january. I almost made it to completing this resolution, so lets give me a partial score. Program an app: 70% 😉

Bonus points: I crowdfunded the webseries successfully and raised 5 grand!

This year, I did pretty well. While I didn’t get everything I had wanted done in time (damn app), working toward these goals was fun. I guess they also helped me to figured out just a little bit more clearly where I want to go next.


So what does 2013 hold?

Despite what the picture above suggests, my resolutions do not consist of “tasty cocktails”, “gingerbeer” or “beef pie”!

Rather in 2013, I want to again set out 3 clear goals to work towards. I would like to finally establish a company around the work I have been doing over the last year. I would like to update and expand on the food blog, possibly including some video work. And to add a new challenge to the mix, I would like to play music on a stage in front of a small audience and record one original song.

Time to get cracking…

Last year’s year: 2012

So it being Jan. 4th, I figured I should weigh in on last year’s happenings asap. Especially since this will all soon become irrelevant as we move on to the next big thing: 2013 and the upcoming [insert ancient culture here] apocalypse.

Here is what mattered in 2012:

3d printed bunny

3D Printers officially enter the home. Makerbot is showcased at CES 2012 and tons of “Make your own 3D Printer” kits flood Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Obviously, we are still a ways away from the replicator I envision. But what we can already see, that this tech is going to be crazy disruptive. Why buy some crappy little plastic bunny made in china when you can print one in your own home?

Webseries explosion. Every one and their dog made a webseries this year. Hell, I made one too! And despite the deluge of series, I was able to find a bunch that I totally feel in love with. You can see the initial list here. I would add The Bar Series and The Slope to my list of favs.

HTML5 is cool. I guess this isn’t a specifically 2012 phenomenon. Its a language that has been in development for ages, and has been out there for a least a couple of years. However this year, many browsers updated to support html5 elements, and we really started to get to see the potential of the language. It is set to be completed by 2014, so the next few years we should be seeing more and more of these pages. My favorite examples are Agent 8 BallJess & Russ wedding proposalAngry Birds Space site and Cloudsovercuba.com


Joss Whedon sells out, but I don’t care. The Avengers was the first 3D movie I ever saw. I realize I was a little slow checking out the whole 3d movie thing, but I was simply waiting for something worthwhile to come along. Well Joss, you made something worthwhile. Sure its got all the trappings of a bloated superhero blockbuster. But it melds entertainment with intelligence, which is no small feat. Plus the Black Widow kicked ass. See my full post about it!

Crowdfunding takes it up a notch. The passing of the JOBS act in America in April encouraged the launch of hundreds of new crowdfunding/crowd-investment platforms, and thousands of crowdfunding campaigns. While not all countries have been so fast to address the changing fundraising and investment landscape provided by crowdfunding sites, the JOBS act has at least made the whole world take notice. This year everyone tried crowdfunding, including me, to varying degrees of success. While it has its critics, it is an interesting experiment all the same. Looking forward to watching this space!

Syria experiences a civil disaster. Assad becomes a murderous leader bent on killing his own people in the most terrifying ways possible. Current estimates place the death toll above 60000 people killed. I guess that he feels his own life is on the line and so he will throw anything he’s got to stay in power, but his actions have fortified his status as a thoroughly “Bad Guy” and has made his redemption in world political circles quite impossible. Assad’s future looks dim. But the damage he does to syria as power is pulled from him is unforgivable.

Obama is back (and the worst of the crazy anti-women, anti-gay, anti-science, anti-immigrant far right Republican candidates were officially given a thumbs down by the majority of the American people). I am happy to say that our American cousins have not gone completely off the reservation. Well not just yet…

oilsandsCanada’s Environmental record goes from bad to worse. Harper must go! So early in the year when the Americans balked at the Keystone XL pipeline proposal, Canada turned around and immediately offered the Canadian oil sands – one of the dirtiest of dirty oil – to China, together with a deal they could hardly refuse. It entitled a foreign country to plunder canadian resources, destroy the surrounding nature, and if canada’s environmental laws or regulation interrupts the activities of these Chinese interests, they would have the right to sue Canada. Seems like a good deal for canadians’ no? Oh and Harper’s muzzling of government scientists, preventing them from speaking to any press about their findings regarding climate change, was all over the international news this year. Well that is just the icing on evil cake, wouldn’t you say?

Facebook stock = epic fail. The hype leading up to FBs IPO only added to the glorious shadenfreude we all felt when the stock plummeted after being released. Big name investors opting out early in the game, including Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and board member, made the stock look even weaker. Even Zuckerberg admits he is disappointed. According to some estimates, it should actually go as low as 8 bucks. Do we feel bad? Absolutely not! Facebook has made a business mining its users’ personal data. Let it burn!

instagram-logo-promo_610x458Instabillion: Facebook buys instagram for a billion. While this is every tech geeks fantasy, it is kinda scary how fast and how big that deal came to be. And there is something terribly sad about the fact that all those photos you took of your favorite meals, your kids first steps, your trip to Spain or your friends’ wedding are now legally under their new and improved Facebook-inspired “Privacy Agreement”, which is subject to change and will inevitably mean that one day the company will completely own your content. Its coming folks, don’t kid yourself. Google is basically cut from the same cloth, so watch your data folks and find alternatives now!!

Obviously the world is bigger than these 10 stories. Other major stories of the year: apocalypses that didn’t happen, Pinterest explosion, Egyptian election, Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, Greek debt crisis intensifying, Psy breaking records (why oh why??), Justin Bieber not disappearing (again why oh why??), something about olympics (yawn), SOPA protests, record meltdown of arctic ice.

Say what you will, we definitely live in interesting times.

Clouds Over Cuba: A New Way to Recount History Online

About a month ago, a friend sent me the link to this documentary www.cloudsovercuba.com about the cuban missile crisis. I was immediately inspired. The doc itself is quite good, but it is the experience of watching it in this format that has really impressed me. It seems I have found a prototype of the type of media I want to be making next.

Take a look if you have time:

This documentary was created for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library by The Martin Agency and directed by Erich Joiner and Ben Tricklebank at Tool. Running two-hours, this project exists primarily as a full browser video player. It has an interactive timeline and seamless links to additional information along the way. This additional info consists of scans, images, archival audio and video recordings –  all from the JFK institute itself – as well as expert commentaries from historian Sheldon M. Stern, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s son, Sergei, author Eric G. Swedin and professor Timothy McKeown. For more info about the doc, check out this review.

I think that this format has amazing potential for the future of online video and visual storytelling. You could totally use a similar framework with a creative project or a tv show. It encourages people to stay involved and focused on the project, but gives curious people a chance to leave the linear narrative of the doc to learn more about specific themes without losing their place.

While interactive video isn’t really anything all that new, I think what really got me excited is how much more accessible the technology used to build this site has become. This site is built like a website using html5, javascript and css. However it feels almost like an app. It also uses the interactivity subtly, without relying on flashy gimmicks. Transitions between pages is so beautifully seamless (one of the perks of html5) and the pace of the web experience matches the pace of the documentary. The unified design of the page and textures on the video result in an overall product that feels dynamic, yet totally unified.

It seems to be time to re-think video (again). We have all become used to youtube and vimeo as our primary video platforms. But if you think about it, the formats in which the videos are presented remain somewhat standard. You watch the video without really interacting with it, other than leaving comments under the video or by closing the incessant pop ads (on youtube).

But what if you could actually click inside the video, get more info when you wanted. As it stands, when I watch a doc, I often like to find out more about the info being presented, or I want to verify the legitimacy of certain statements. So I tend to open another browser window to do some additional investigation on the side. But this is awkward and distracting. Sometimes I get so caught up with another article I am reading that I lose my place in the doc, or lose interest in the original documentary entirely.

Whats great about this documentary, is that you are expected to dig deeper into the topic. And they make it extremely easy and fun to do it. It encourages interaction and curiosity, yet keeps you on the site, and on topic. But I think we could take this even further.

Imagine the possibilities…